Why is my clearomizer leaking?

Clearomizers from The Electric Tobacconist® are generally very reliable, however under certain conditions a clearomizer may leak.
For Example:
● (Most common Reason) If e-liquid has got down the central pipe of the clearomizer and has run through onto the battery. When filling your clearomizer, you must ensure that no e-liquid gets into the narrow 'breathing' tube that runs down the centre of your clearomizer. To avoid this happening, always tilt your clearomizer 45 degrees and aim to coat the inner wall with e-liquid (Think you might have got e-liquid down the central pipe? Click here for a remedy)

● If any rubber seal on the thread of a mouthpiece has been lost

● If placed in direct sunlight or in extreme heat eg on the dashboard of a car or near a fire

● If overfilled or incorrectly filled -If used excessively

● If screwed together incorrectly so that the threads are not aligned with those on the battery

● If the airflow (if your clearomizer has adjustable airflow) is closed, it will often draw too much e-liquid into the coil head which will then proceed to leak out of the airflow or up the centre pipe.