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A detailed breakdown of the UK vaping market

Image for A detailed breakdown of the UK vaping market
A report by ASH (action on smoking and health) last October cast a very interesting light upon the UK vaping market which has been the centre of much speculation over recent times. While we await an update on this particular research sometime during 2015 it is interesting to look back and see where the marker was towards the end of 2014. Many of the conclusions will surprise people, both critics and supporters alike, and perhaps set the battlegrounds for the months and years ahead. The UK vaping market The UK vaping market has over 2 million regular users and while there is still significant growth expected in the short, medium and longer term, it is certainly an interesting statistic. However, if we look towards the longer term it is perhaps the visibility, popularity and awareness of e-cigarettes which should set the industry in good stead for the future. Awareness of electronic cigarettes Many will be astounded to learn that 95% of tobacco smokers and 90% of non-smokers have heard the term electronic cigarettes. Considering the number of cigarette smokers across the UK, and indeed non-smokers, this is an astounding piece of promotion especially taking into account the lack of marketing allowed until just recently. The report also highlights the fact that in 2010 just 8.2% of current tobacco cigarette smokers had tried an electronic cigarette while this figure had risen to a phenomenal 50.6% by 2014. The number of current users has also grown over this period from 2.7% of current smokers in 2010 to 17.6% in 2014. These figures suggest that there is a significant market for the e-cigarette industry to target with more and more people showing an interest in this relatively new phenomenon. Non-smokers using electronic cigarettes Despite the fact that many politicians and regulators would have you believe e-cigarettes, and the array of vaping devices under this umbrella, are commonplace across schools, this is most certainly not the case. There is a negligible amount of people who have never smoked but have tried electronic cigarettes with the figure standing at just 1% with current users in this group at just 0.2%. There has been a myth doing the rounds for many years now that electronic cigarettes are very popular amongst youngsters and those who have never smoked before. Time and time again reports have dashed these suggestions but the politicians continue to repeat them as fact. It is only the emergence of high-profile and trustworthy reports such as those from the ASH group which cast a more trustworthy light on the industry. UK electronic cigarettes in the future Yet another interesting fact from this report is the suggestion that of those using electronic cigarette for the first time 20% have gone for disposable electronic cigarettes, 52% for rechargeable electronic cigarettes with prefilled cartridges and 24% for vaping pens and e-liquid. While this particular trend is likely to change during 2015, with a high profile given to vaping pens and e liquid, it is interesting to see that many are skipping the so-called disposable cigarette-style devices and moving straight to rechargeable e-cigarettes with refills. Conclusion It is only when you begin to dig deeper that you see a very different look and feel to the UK vaping market. Despite attempts by critics to cast a dark shadow on the industry, suggesting many companies are targeting non-smokers and young children, the facts certainly speak for themselves. There is a growing trend towards electronic cigarettes with vape pens and e liquids set to become ever more prominent but the popularity of rechargeable electronic cigarettes and pre-filled cartridges will surprise many. Blog brought to you by... Ok - E-cigarettes