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My Vaping Journey with... Fin E-Cigarettes

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Every fortnight we run a 'guest blog' feature about the 'Vaping Journey' of one of our customers. This feature is about Fin electronic cigarettes and it comes from Abbie in Hampshire... I used to smoke between 10-15 a day. I had smoked for over 10 years, I started when I was just 13 as all my friends were doing it! I didn't even inhale it in the beginning, but ALL of my friends smoked and 90% still do. It drained all my money, I wouldn't buy anything without checking I had enough money for cigarettes until I was next paid. My partner is a non-smoker had never smoked in his life and hated the fact that I did. He hated the smell on my breath and clothes and how much they cost me. He hated being left in restaurants or pubs while I went outside or having to come outside with me. Money and my partener are my main motivations. I first discovered ecigs because I had seen friends attempt them and I had noticed them in supermarkets. When I began thinking about quitting, ecigs were my first thought. I knew I couldn't go cold turkey and needed an aid so I could first cut down and then quit. My smoking is very much a habit more than an addiction so I needed something that I could physically do more than something to replace the nicotine. Ecigs give both so were perfect for me... For my first e-cig, I chose Fin because it stated a minty menthol and I smoked dual cigarettes which when popped to menthol tasted more like spearmint than menthol like your standard menthol cigarettes. When it first arrived I was wary to try it, but as soon as I did I was pleasantly surprised. It tasted just like the dual cigarettes I smoked. fin-rechargeable-e-cigarette-starter-kit-menthol-flavour-p24-82_thumb I discovered The Electric Tobacconist from a Google search. It was one of the first search options that appears on screen. I looked at some of the other sites but I was drawn to this site for a couple of reasons: 1. It was more professional looking, the whole appearance seemed to have more effort put in and it looked well established and trustworthy. 2. It had the biggest range to choose from with the best prices and delivery. 3. Because you could create an account for re-orders and there was a customer support number. Vaping is a hundred times better than smoking.. I'm saving money, I don't have to go outside all the time and I don't smell! People are surprised I've managed to quit and all they ask how! So they are all looking at The Electric Tobacconist. I feel like I achieved something, I've wanted to quit for a while and now I have with Fin. I haven't tried any other brands as I really like Fin and wouldn't waste the money experimenting when saving money is a main goal of mine. If you'd like to contribute to our 'Vaping Journey' blog feature, email us first at help@electrictobacconist.co.uk and we'll tell you how!