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My Vaping Journey with...Intellicig

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Every fortnight we run a 'guest blog' feature about the 'Vaping Journey' of one of our customers. This feature is about Intellicig and comes from Paul in West Wales... I've been a smoker for 27 years, started when I was 15 on tailor-made fags, but then turned to roll your own. I've been smoking Golden Virginia for a good number of years now. It was just the thing to do, all my teenage heroes smoked, I was really in to heavy metal (still am) so part of the 'uniform' at the time was to have a fag on the go. Let's face they looked cool, that and a bottle of Jack Daniels! I have tried giving up more times than I care to remember. Problem is I enjoy smoking (most of the time) & NRT never seemed to cut it. I first came across ecigs about 4 years ago when some people at work were on about them and decided to try them. I wasn't interested at the time. I did try a nicorette inhalator 10 years ago, but they were absolutely awful. Last year though, my local shop started selling E-lites so thought I would give them ago, initially they were good, for a week or 2, but it still wasn't like smoking (not like a proper fag), not enough vapour to blow smoke rings etc. So I started smoking again. then went on to Whites ecigs and they were just the same as E-lites. It was after this I decided to try a Vivid refillable one, but still didn't get on with it. No joy until I found my current brand. My chosen brand that I am very happy with is Intellicig's XL Pro Kit. To me I find it fills all my needs. It has variable voltage, but even on the lowest setting it produces enough vapour to convince/trick me in to thinking it is a real cigarette - smoke rings galore! Since I have been using this I have no cravings for cigarettes, unlike I did with my first attempts with ecigs. The only cigarettes I have had is when the battery ran out, which is usually about 8pm. The cigarettes I did have I did not like the taste of so the most important thing I have done is to buy an extra battery. I think Intellicig is great, when I get a craving the first thing I think of is the ecig and NOT a cigarette. Intellicig-XL-Pro-Ecig I came across The Electric Tobacconist as the Intellicig site did not have any XL Pros in stock. As this was the case I thought I better look to see if anyone else sold them and also if I could get accessories from elsewhere, as I don't want to find an ecig I get on with only to find I can't get hold of supplies. The Electric Tobacconist is a great site, they offer free postage, it's easy to use and find what you want. Also at the time they weren't selling the replacement dual coils so I sent off an email to The ET and now they stock them. Service or what? After the initial outlay vaping is going to be a lot cheaper than smoking, my finger tips are no longer yellow, I don't smell, well not of smoke at any rate. When I need my nicotine fix I don't have to go outside in the rain to have a smoke. Mind you I always check with the owner of the establishment first as I believe there is a vaping etiquette to be observed as we don't want this to get banned like smoking did (I live in Wales and they are already talking about it). I have tried other brands, but with the XL Pro I don't have to keep buying clearomisers, I just have to replace the dual coil and this is as close to smoking that I have found without actually smoking. If you'd like to send in your 'Vaping Journey' for the Electric Tobacconist blog, please email us first at help@electrictobacconist.co.uk and we'll tell you how to send in your story.