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What if Jack Wilshere had been caught smoking an Electronic Cigarette?

Image for What if Jack Wilshere had been caught smoking an Electronic Cigarette?
jack-wilshere-smoking The tabloids are up in arms this week about Arsenal & England footballer Jack Wilshere having been seen smoking a tobacco cigarette (remember them?) on holiday in Las Vegas. In the opinion of your elderly author, who grew up in a time when the lives of the young and successful were played out behind closed doors, Master Wilshere should be allowed to do what he likes (although that doesn't take away the fact that smoking is bad for your health), but I have been wondering if the same furore would have been made had he been spotted with an electronic cigarette hanging from his mouth... The main concern seems to be that Jack is a role model to young children and teenagers and that his smoking might create the wrong impression to those wishing to emulate him and play in the English Premier League. It certainly won't help him, when traditional cigarettes are known to decrease the performance of one's lungs. What if it had been an e-cigarette? This is an interesting one. Nearly all 'vapers' come from a smoking background. At the Electric Tobacconist we target only existing smokers (and this is how it should be for ethical reasons), so we would never want to see a promising young English footballer using an electronic cigarette as this would indicate he was battling a nicotine addiction. That said, if - as it appears to me - Jack only smokes the odd puff to relieve cravings of nicotine after a couple of drinks (after all, the two sightings of him smoking have come in 'drinking scenarios'), then he'd be far better off inhaling vapour, than burning tobacco smoke, in my opinion* *despite the obvious logic of what I am saying, I still have to point out that this is only a personal opinion). Anyway, this is a young man who does a lot of work with charities and non-commercial activities to make the lives of others better, so from an old man of 92, to a young man 70 years my junior who is still making inevitable mistakes, I hope you have a smashing season, young man, but stay off the old ciggies... they're so out of fashion! Lenny Stubbs